The International Studies major requires a total of 44 credit hours, consisting of the following courses:
Inst 101 (3), Introduction to International Studies
3 of the following 6 courses, including the course in the student's region and Inst 200
Inst 200 (3), Thinking Globally
Inst 201 (3), African Studies
Inst 203 (3), East Asian Studies
Inst 205 (3), European Studies
Inst 207 (3), Latin American Studies
Inst 209 (3), Middle Eastern Studies
Inst 110 (1), Cultural Communication (Pre-departure)
Inst 111 (1), Cultural Communication (Re-entry)
Two 300-level courses (6) in the regional concentration
Two 300-level courses (6) in the thematic concentration
Three 300-level elective courses (9)
One approved research methods course (3)
See Approved Courses and Course Selection Tool to see what counts as approved classes for regional, thematic, and methods, and elective requirements.
Inst 421 (3) Senior Thesis, part 1
Inst 422 (3) Senior Thesis, part 2
Inst 431 (0) OPI course, Z-graded (pass/fail)
The Croft Building from the Grove