Croft News
November 7, 2014

International Student Organization Language Partnering Program

Amir Amiz, Croft senior and president of the International Student Organization (ISO) at the University of Mississippi, asked us to announce the ISO's new language partnering Program, which links up interested students who wish to gain more practice in a particular language with international students possessing those language capabilities.

Ole Miss is a global campus, home to close to 1,000 international students and faculty members from over 80 different countries, collectively bringing a plethora of cultures, languages and diverse experiences. ISO's work involves fostering inter-cultural communication and bonding through various events and community service opportunities that bring people together regardless of background, culture and language. As such, the Language-Partnering program strives towards these goals, aiming to bridge the gap between international and American students and promoting linguistic diversity at Ole Miss. To that end, Croft students will be a valuable part of this process.

Currently, ISO has students in the following languages on our roster: French (Algeria), Classical Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, Omani Arabic, Cantonese (Singapore), Malay (Singapore), Spanish (Latin America), Brazilian Portuguese, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese (Standard), Indonesian, Hindi, Bengali, and Vietnamese.

If any Croft student studying a particular language would like to be matched up with an international student who speaks a particular language or comes from a particular culture/region, contact Amir at maziz@go.olemiss.edu or at the ISO e-mail address at olemissiso@gmail.com. The ISO will do their best to link them up with international students with the desired language skills.