Croft News
February 10, 2015

Croft Sophomore Wins Barksdale Award

At the Honors College Spring Convocation on Tuesday, February 10, Croft sophomore Joe Bell received one of the two Barksdale Awards given this year.  The award offers $5000 to students to pursue independent research or humanitarian work.  Joe plans to study the impact of labor policy, agricultural policy, and globalization on cowboys and guachos in the United States an Uruguay.  “I am intrigued and inspired by the independent and somewhat tragic lives of the North American cowboy and the Uruguayan gaucho,” Bell told the U.M. news service. “These two entities, although separated by an almost hemispheric landmass, have long suffered from the same cultural, economic and legal marginalization.”  Two other Croft students have won the Barksdale award, Martina Cotelo (B.A. 2014) and Patrick Woodyard (B.A. 2010).    U.M. News Story