Croft News
November 1, 2018

Junior Summer Institute program for Public Policy and International Affairs 

The Public Policy and International Affairs Program (PPIA) strives to promote diversity and the inclusion of underrepresented groups in public service. The Junior Summer Institute (JSI) is an opportunity to participate in an intensive seven-week program that prepares students with the knowledge and skill needed for graduate school and a career. Being a part of this program also provides future opportunity for financial and career support through PPIA.

A Croft alumna, Alyssa Yuen, who participated in PPIA made Croft aware of this opportunity and is more than happy to help by answering questions or providing more information. If you have questions about JSI or the PPIA program, please email bstarnes@olemiss.edu, and she can connect you to Alyssa. 

The deadline for JSI Summer 2019 is November 1st. To apply, please visit the website here.