The Croft Institute is responsible for the undergraduate major in international studies at the University of Mississippi. Croft is for students who want to develop and strengthen an outward orientation -- to transcend the horizons of their local community, their region, and the nation as a whole -- and to learn about the world beyond our borders. The Institute's rigorous, interdisciplinary curriculum is designed to give Croft students the tools to meet America's global challenges in the twenty-first century.
The Croft Institute for International Studies is a special place. We bring together outstanding students from Mississippi and other parts of the United States to immerse themselves in intensive study of the languages, cultures, and economies of the world. We want our students to become global citizens -- aware of the world and engaged with it to prepare them for the rapidly changing and ever more globalized workplaces. We challenge our students and help them achieve excellence.
At the same time, the Croft Institute also stands for community and solidarity among its students. Crofties, as the students call themselves, support each other as they work their way through a demanding curriculum, a semester abroad, and a year-long senior thesis. Studying at Croft also means close mentoring relationships with the Croft professors, who share their knowledge and passion about the world. The dedicated staff of the Croft Institute creates a welcoming atmosphere. Croft truly is a family.
I invite you to learn more about the Croft Institute by browsing this website. E-mail, call, or request a brochure for further information.
Established in 1997 by a generous gift and funded annually by the Joseph C. Bancroft Charitable & Educational Fund, Croft offers the benefits of a small private institution -- selective admission, rigorous academic program, small classes, and first-rate facilities -- with all of the advantages of a large public university: affordable tuition, a wide range of opportunities, and major institutional resources. By combining the best features of small and large academic institutions, Croft provides the best of both worlds for a truly unique college experience. [more...]
The Croft Institute accepts 70 students into the international studies major each fall. Successful applicants typically have a composite ACT score of at least 29 (or 1250 on the math and critical reading portions of the SAT) and an unweighted high school GPA of 3.50 or higher. They also have demonstrated interest in international affairs and foreign languages. In order to be considered, students must first complete the regular University of Mississippi Application and then the Special Programs and Scholarship Application before the priority deadline of January 10.
Croft Incoming Student Retreat 2022
Each year the Institute awards eight Croft Scholarships to its most competitive incoming freshmen, the Croft Scholars. Croft Scholars receive $8,000 per year for four years. All applicants to the Croft Institute are automatically considered for a Croft Scholarship.
The Croft website contains a wide variety of valuable resources for current Croft students, from information about academic advising and study abroad to the senior thesis and career advice.
The course selection tool allows a student to see which courses offered in a given semester have been approved for the international studies major. The approved courses page lists all of the courses approved for the major, even if they are not currently being offered.
Harlee Harvey in South Korea
The Croft Institute works hard to prepare its students for the next step after graduation.
The faculty and staff of the Croft Institute are all dedicated to providing a supportive environment and superior education to the students in the International Studies major.
The fourteen Croft professors have a joint appointment with the Institute and their home departments, which include History, Modern Languages, Sociology and Anthropology, and Political Science. Many other University of Mississippi faculty work with the Institute teaching specialized courses or coordinating language instruction.
Croft graduates go on to careers in a wide variety of fields. About half work in the private sector in areas such as law, marketing, finance, manufacturing, technology, entertainment, trade, energy, and health care. Other graduates work in education, either in a teaching or administrative role, in the non-profit sector, or for local, state, and national governments.
The majority of our alumni will obtain one or more graduate degrees at some point in their careers, whether a J.D., a Masters, or even a Ph.D. or M.D. In addition to international relations and law, the two most common fields, our graduates study business, economics, medicine, area studies, languages, and the social sciences.